Quitting drinking is very difficult, but not impossible. How many cases are there when a person at one time said to himself "Enough! " And stop drinking forever. Very often, the proximity of death pushes that step. For example, when a doctor says: "Either you stop drinking, my dear, or you stop living. "And a person, hoping to stay alive, completely rejects alcohol. There are thousands of similar cases. Surely there are such people among your acquaintances.
However, an incurable disease is not a prerequisite for stopping drinking. Why wait for a critical state when you can't get there? Bad incentive for an alcoholic? Yes, indeed, it is unlikely that it will be possible to let go of this pernicious passion on your own, with nothing to do. Here you have to want. Yes, not only wanting, but wanting unconditionally, to convince yourself that without this step life is impossible (and this is true! ).
Such a state cannot be explained in words. This can only be understood by a person who has decided to end the addiction once and for all. Also, this is not only the habit of drinking, but also any other dangerous addiction: smoking, eating a lot, gambling, etc.
And this takes time. It is time for you to realize that you are a necessary, dignified, real and upright person, and not a drunken rag. It is time to think soberly in silence. It is time to develop an irresistible desire in yourself: to stop drinking.
Waiting for help from some kind of miracle drugs, foreign books or wizard-wizards, to harm you. All these means, of course, help, but only on the condition of a person's unconditional independent desire to stop drinking. Without making efforts on our part, it is a waste of time, money. Here, only your own willpower and firm confidence in the correctness of the chosen direction are important.
Have you decided on this crucial step? You are a real person! Brave, strong! You will succeed!
There are a few ways to help get rid of the obsessive desire to drink, but rather to distract it. Why not use them too?
Ten rules for those who want to stop drinking
- Take a few deep breaths when you feel like drinking. Repeat to yourself, like a mantra: "I stopped drinking. "
- Take a warm bath twice a day. Drink 2 cups of hot tea while in the bathroom.
- Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water between meals.
- Take a walk after eating, stay away from drink companies, where the temptation to drink is too great.
- If the urge to drink is unbearable, take a warm shower. For one thing, drinking in the shower is quite difficult; ), on the other hand, will calm your nerves.
- Avoid spicy foods and condiments.
- Reduce the consumption of fish, poultry, meat, drink less tea, coffee, because uric acid, ammonia in meat and caffeine in tea and coffee increase the need to drink.
- Eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible, cut back on sweets, and the urge to drink will disappear much faster.
- Take vitamin complexes, especially vitamin B.
- Always be firm in your desire to break the habit. No "but", "maybe", etc. A firm "no" every time a wish or opportunity arises hasn't let anyone down yet. And do not be discouraged, even if it is very difficult, do not fall into depression, it will inadvertently lead you to the old way of life again. Fight depression - only with a positive attitude!
Effects of diet on the desire to drink
And a few more words about food: Laboratory studies have shown that eating certain foods contributes to the desire to drink. Such products are tea, coffee, seasonings, sugary products. These foods have the same effect on smokers.
According to the observations of scientists, vegetarians have a significantly lower propensity to alcohol and tobacco than people who eat meat.